What is everyone's favorite band that they don't know about yet doing?
2.17.04 Regarding the recent unpleasantries...
If you visited the JC-U site since Sunday night and/or know someone in/close to the band, then you know that there has been quite a bit of trouble.
Before the rumor mill really gets going, here are the facts:
-I, Xavier, am leaving JCU (here's my official statement)
-We will still play Hogue Barmichael's on the 26th
-The rest of the band will most likely continue on...the official future is yet to be decided.
I'd like to thank everyone who's taken part in Jimothy's Cover-Up in one way or another. As far as the website goes, I'll train Aaron in the upkeep of it
so he can update everything when it needs to be. It's been a crazy ride...I'll miss you all.
1.31.04 The news just keeps getting bigger and bigger...
So I got a phone call on Monday from the owner of this bar and grill/music venue in Newport Beach called Hogue Barmichael's...he offered us a couple
of shows, and as a result, we have our very first ORANGE COUNTY show! That's right, we're branching out! Sooooo....we've got a huge favor to ask of
anyone and everyone who likes JC-U (or at least one member). We have pre-sale tickets that we have to sell in order to not be in the monetary hole.
Here's the basic info for the show...(Complete info available on shows page
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Hogue Barmichael's presents:
Jimothy's Cover-Up
Who Cares
Blue Lion
+ more!
Doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7:00
Tickets are $8 pre-sale, let us know if you want some.
We have a special reason to ask you to go to this show...it's the birthday of not one, but TWO JC-U members! 1985 brought us the lovely Jose, and 1987 the...um...
well, we got Aaron. So go support our little birthday boys.
As for other news...quick overview:
Happy (slightly belated) Birthday to Robert!! Our awesome guitarist/vocalist turned the ripe old age of 17 yesterday (January 30).
We're looking to have some kind of demo done in one way or another before the show on the 26th...hopefully.
As usual, if you have any questions or want to book JC-U for a show, drop me a line.
1.18.04 What's next...
First off...let me say thank you to everyone involved in the show we played on Saturday. This includes the great bands we played with
(July's Afterglow, La Banda Skalavera, Work Shirt Wonder, To the Rescue, Hillside Vilalge and The Sirens); El Sereno parks and Rec. and Hillside
Village for putting the show on; and, of course, anyone who stuck around to watch us and/or bought some merch. We extend to you our greatest gratitude and appreciation.
Next in the saga that is JC-U, we have a couple of house parties we're waiting to be confirmed for and recording. I know, I've been promising some songs for
a really really really really really really long time, but...we're poor and are still working out a way to get something out without having to send Royal out
as a streetwalker. We're looking at sometime close to the end of January, we hope. Side note: The almighty Johnson's pics from Skateland are now up. Go check those out.
Once again, thanks to everyone who came out to the show. We had a blast, and I hope you did too.
1.15.04 JC-U named scpunkska.tk's band of the month for January!!!
Yup...we're that awesome now. Check it out for yourself...scpunkska.tk
1.10.04 Skateland pics up...finally!!!!
Yup...I finally got my lazy self to get those pictures up. Go check them out...there's some good stuff there. And don't forget,
JC-U on the 17th at El Sereno (Saturday)!!! .....There are a couple of JC-U birthdays coming up...check the profiles if you don't know. That's all for now...
let's hope our man Johnson can come through with the recording so we can finally put something out.
1.7.04 More El Sereno Action!!
That's right...we're playing at that park again. This time, it's for their "Underground Band Jam". There should be some pretty damn good bands
playing (other than us, of course) at this, including Xavier and Aaron's side project July's Afterglow and...wait, could it be?!?!? ANOTHER SKA BAND?!?!?
YES! THAT'S RIGHT! For the first time in JC-U will be playing with another ska band...and not just any ska band, but LA BANDA SKALAVERA, the finest in
Latin-influenced ska! Other bands include: Hillside Village, To the Rescue, Platoon, and The Sirens...probably a few more on top of that. This should be an
awesome show...and it's all for free, so go hit up the shows page for the details, yo. IN OTHER NEWS...still no progress on recording...we just keep hitting roadblocks.
As far as the Skateland (and other) pictures that everyone has been whining about...those will be up soon, I promise. I ran out of space on our 20m.com account, so I'll have to
add on another one. As soon as I get that...you get your pics. Hope everyone enjoyed these past couple of crazy weeks.
12.17.03 Two shows?!? In one weekend?!? That's AMAZING!
Like usual, we've just been confirmed for two gigs at the last minute for this weekend. Friday, we'll be playing at our good friend David's
house for his party, and Sunday will be our second annual appearance at the El Sereno Christmas Festival. Go to the shows page for more information
on both appearances. Please go to support us and buy a t-shirt...we're po' boys. Remember...both shows are FREE. Expect more news on JC-U soon, including
recording news and more shows!
12.6.03 Finals=no updates, winter break=making up for lack of updates
It's finally that time for me...my first UCLA finals are next week. You know what that means...
time to study my butt off...which means no time for screwing around on the internet...which means
no time to update the site...which means I still owe you guys pics from Skateland, Lixx's party, and Nestor's party...whoa, I'm laggin' it!
Anyway...my last final is on Friday, so after that, I should be able to actually update the site. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Wish me luck...
11.20.03 General Update
So it's been almost a month since there's been any action with JC-U...here's what's going on.
We're playing at our good friend Liz's party this Saturday (November 22nd), with a twist: Since Royal has a previous engagement (and Robert.is.so.emo.) JC-U will be going
acoustic! This should be interesting.
As far as other news, we've been attempting to record some of our songs with Robert's 4-track. We hope to be done with a demo by the end of the year.
That's about it for now...check back soon for more updates as they come up!
Last night was our first time playing at Skateland in Whittier...that was the most AWESOME show we have ever played! To those who missed it,
you missed our best performance to date. Thanks to: Everyone who went to see us, everone who went for someone else but saw us anyway, Randy and
Nancy at Skateland for letting us play, and all the other bands that played last night. We had a great time...hope everyone else did too. Look for
some constant action from JCU from now on, including recording and some more shows.
Remember-We have t-shirts for sale for $7...just ask one of us or e-mail us.
Yes...it's true. We have finally been confirmed for the Skateland show on the 25th. So tell everyone...call your friends, spread gossip, pass out
flyers, have your mom take the info to work and pass it around there...whatever you can do to get people to this show would be greatly appreciated.
Details for it can be found under the events page. See you there!
9.30.03 The most important news in months!
OK...it seems Robert can't keep his big mouth shut...so here's the official announcement: Jimothy's Cover-Up will finally be
playing Skateland Whittier on Saturday, October 25, 2003. I was going to wait for more information, but since there's already a
buzz floating around...that's what we know. I'll update as soon as I get a confirmation on time, other bands, etc. Skateland shows have a
$7 cover charge, which gets you access to their band area all night. This is typically from 7-12 or 12:30, with 5 bands playing...so it's worth it. Don't just
tell your friends...tell EVERYONE! If we draw a big enough crowd, they'll probably let us play agian.
In closer news, JCU will be playing this Saturday, October 4, at Nester's birthday party, barring any schedule conflicts. We'll see what happens there. All info for
both shows will be up in the "events" area as soon as it is obtained.
Yeah, not having anything to do has given me a lot of free time...so I've improved some more stuff on this site.
Here's what's up:
^All live pictures that I have are up on the site under the Visuals section. Go check those out because it took me
forever to get all of them up. Be sure to let me know of any problems with them loading...the server we have sucks, so it may take a couple of
refreshes to get all the pictures to work. Good luck with that.
^Profiles should all work now and Eric has a new picture up! Congrats to Eric! Go read those for fun. Any band members wanting change...let me know.
^The message board has a new look to go along with the new site look. Please, GO POST SOMETHING!!!!
The board is pretty dead right now, and I don't feel like talking to myself over my 2 screen names.
That should hold people over for a while. As far as the band goes (although that's not as important as the site...), our younger members are starting school again as juniors
over at Montebello High School. Good luck, kids. We should be practicing pretty regularly, gearing up for any shows that come our way. We're still trying to figure out
a good system to record...so I'll keep you posted on that. Farwell for now.
9.4.03 WTF?!? NEW LOOK!!!!
Do not adjust your display settings...do not degauss your monitor! The site really has changed. I figured it was about time to give it a new feel, anyway...
so yellow is the color chosen. (blue to yellow...UCLA!! Bruin pride...or something like that...) So enjoy. The pictures page is now up and running as well.
NOTE: There will be no link to pictures through the shows page. I changed my mind on that one. Take it easy.
I apologize for the lack of updates...I've been really lazy. So here's what's been up in the JCU camp:
--JC-U has been recording for the past week or so! We should have a five or six song demo completed before the end of the year. Look for it at shows once
I've announced that it's complete.
--I finally figured out how to use a JavaScript slide show! Thanks to Natalie for the code. Pictures from May 30 That's the first one I have done...look for pictures from each
show with the date on the "Shows" page.
--I finally got around to creating a JC-U mailing list! Sign up for it under the contact page. Updates should be pretty regular.
Other than these major updates, we've been having some practices and searching for a place to play. If you have any ideas, PLEASE E-MAIL ME ASAP.
Much peace and chicken grease,
So we played this show on Saturday with our good friends The Silent Screams, Death by Pig, and local grindcore heroes Auxilio and Amnesia, among others. As odd as that bill was, a great time was had by most (if not all).
Good friends, good music, and the wonderful Montebello
sun! Thanks to everyone who went, to the other bands, and to A-F for putting the whole thing on. Look for more JC-U before the summer ends!
Special thanks to Señor Zavala for the picture up on front of the site.
7.6.03 More Shows!
Last night we played a somewhat last-minute show for Allen's (Awesome drummer of Silent Screams fame) birthday bash! Thanks to TSS for inviting us to play and playing a tubular show! Next up, we have a pool party today
(at Melissa G's house...if you know her, go and see us)
that we're playing for...then it's off to Hawaii for the amazing Delgado brothers. After we get leid (haha...get it? woooo....), we're going straight back to the rat race with a show put on by AF Productions over at the wonderful Montebello City Park. Check events page for more
info...I'm too lazy to type it all up on here. If you've got a birthday/pool/bar mitzvah/quinceñera party you've got coming up, E-mail Xavier to Jimothize it! One last thing- Aaron says- go buy the brand new Brand New album,
Deja Entendu. It's a work of genius!
That's all for now. Buy shirts!
-The brothers Delgado
6.1.03 JC-U guerilla shows!
So this weekend was quite the interesting one for us...JCU played two shows, Firday and Saturday. Friday was over at the Montebello City Skate Park, which was literally at the last minute. We played to fill in for part of
July's Afterglow's set (Aaron and Xavier's other band) because the drummer had a previous engagement...so the Cover-Up was rounded up at the last minute and totally owned the night! Look for us playing again at the Skate Park soon.
Saturday night, we played at Andrea's birthday party in West Covina. That went pretty well too. Thanks to everyone who went to either show. We now have T-shirts for sale (e-mail or talk to the guys in the band for one) and will be playing
more shows soon. That's enough for now. Peace!
4.5.03 JC-U back with a vengance!
After yet another unplanned break, JCU is back. We are currently working on 2 new songs (new if you didn't see us back in December, which is almost everyone...)
and are about to go into the studio to record these and our older songs. New pictures will be up as soon as I can get the program from my cousin (Natlie, send it to me!)
to put up a photo album. One last thing...we are looking for someone who's willing to let us play in your backyard, preferrably before the end of next week (April 12). Anyone
interested in booking this historic event (our second show ever!) should e-mail me. We're serious about this...we need to play a show.
2.26.03 Happy birthday A-ron!
Yes...today, the illustrious Aaron turns 10 and 6. Everbody wish him well...or else!!! More news coming soon, I hope...
1.16.03 Happy New Year...and happy birthday to meee!
Yes...it has been quite some time since there's been an update here. But here it is. The tree on the front is gone...because Christmas is OVER!!!! So JC-U has a lot in the works right now. I'm not going to say what, since there's the
chance of it not happening, but if it does...it's going to be Über-cool. So that's about all for now. I'm off to gamble or visit a strip club or something (being 18)...or maybe I'll go sleep.
12.15.02 Success in the barrio!
So we had our first gig today. It went rather well, considering we had almost noo idea of when we were going on. Thanks to Amber and Julia for showing up, Natalie for her amp, all parents who helped this to happen, and WAFFLES!
...And may my bass cable rest in peace.
12.9.02 Attention JC-U Troops!
Big news. Jimothy's Cover-Up is playing a show. That's right!!! This Sunday, December 15th, sometime between 12 Noon and 5:00PM, JC-U will rock (ska?) El Sereno's 3rd Annual Christmas Festival. Don't ask me when exactly we go on...but it should work out. More info including directions in the "Events" page. Come represent. Fo shizzle my nizzle in the hizzle.
]xavier[ and *AaRON aka "Sizzy-Azz"
11.27.02 So...yeah
Yes, it has been a rather long time since I updated this site. I blame college applications...but those are done. There is some stuff to say...just not a whole lot. We've been having sparse practices for the past 2 months, but nothing regular due to demanding marching band
schedules. But now that we're pretty much done with that...it should be smooth sailin' for JC-U. For the past few practices, we've worked on some material Aaron has written (he's been busy during our off-time), along with one of Robert's songs. Those should be completed...soon.
9.21.02 What was that?
Hark! What was that noise heard today? Why, it was none other than Jimothy's Cover-Up!!! That's right, we're off life support and back on track to finally getting somewhere as a band! Our first 6/7 of a band
practice in quite some time was today. Not only was it a good re-gathering of the band, but it was also a step forward in that we now have a new song. So that gives us a grand total of...2! Don't laugh, you couldn't do much better.
So anyway, expect more from us soon.
9.9.02 Happy Birffday Royal!
That's right! Our drummer, the illustrious Royal, turns 20 today. Everybody say how much you love him on our message board!! Go on, go! Other that that...not much lately. Practice soon, we promise...
7.29.02 So this dyslexic guy walks into a bra...
Well, our last practice didn't go so hot. Our silly neighbor (I won't mention names because I don't remember it) was being a big caca head. He complained about us using a "loudspeaker" (whatever that is)
and how he couldn't hear the TV. So nuts to him. Practices are going to be less frequent on account of family vacations. That's about all for now. Oot!!
7.21.02 JC-U Lives!!!
And it's about time. So yes, the rumours you hear are not false...we are once again a functional band. After a 2-month no practice time, we decided that it's about time to
get crackin' on some things. First off, we decided that we're going to add Peter to the line-up. Congrats to Peter. Second, we're practicing regularly now. So expect to hear more
from us soon. That's about it for now. Take care, and remember: I'm not good at coming up with clever things on the spot.
6.6.02 Who likes to see JC-U? You do, of course!!
Yes! It's true! After a short holiday (they're English), our pictures have returned, with a new spiffy look to them. Now, they've all
found their places filed under who they contain. They have some new friends too!!So enjoy these wonderful pictures. As always, more will come soon.
As far as practices, it looks like we're go for Sunday. Cross your fingers! (Said, of course, with no bass in the voice and fingers crossed to mock The Starting Line)
5.29.02 It's been a bad week
I have some bad news to report. As far as practice, I don't think we can have anything until at the earliest a week from Saturday.
See...our (Aaron and Xavier) family is going through a hard time right now. Not something that's going to break us apart or anything like that...but something
that will limit practicing. Then, on top of that, Aaron lost his CDs yesterday at the doctor's office. If anyone who sees Aaron would like to help, he needs some money.
I'm not sure exactly what CDs he had in there, but he did have 24 of them...so buying them all again could take a hefty sum of money. So any donations would be helpful!! Thanks to
everyone who has helped us out with one of these two problems.
5.16.02 Oops...
Well, it seems I was mistaken a few days ago. Peter is not officially in the band...he just
practiced with us once. Apparently, I upset Robert and/or Eric. So ignore that. Other than
that, due to an emergency in Xavier and Aaron's family, all practices at our hose are postponed
indefinately. Sorry about that guys.
5.15.02 New Site!!!!!!!!
Ok...it's not completely done yet, but I figured it was time to put up what I have.
If you've been looking at certain pages lately, you've noticed the change. Well..here it is.
Hope you all like it. The rest will most likely be up before the end of the month, provided my
3rd period teacher doesn't give us any assignments. Enjoy!!
5.8.02 JC-U adds horn player
After a successful tryout, Peter, a good friend of Jose, Royal, and Xavier and a new
friend to the rest of JC-U will most likely join the band. We just need to finalize
things with our lawyers. "My Gay Roommate" is done. New work on a song
will begin sometime...who knows when. Be on the lookout for big things from
4.15.02 "My Gay Roomate" near completion!
After yesterday's practice, much was completed. We got a decent recording of "What If" down
and we were able to lay out most of "My Gay Roommate". All we need now is an ending. Thanks to everyone
showed up for practice. We have a show lined up too...but that's all I'm saying about that. No!! You can't get it out of me!!! Never!!!!
4.9.02 JC-U HAS A SONG! Yes, you read correctly. We are near completion of our first song, "My Gay Roommate". After Saturday's practice,
we have lyrics, most of the guitar part, the bass line, and a little horn line.
All we need now is for Royal to give it a beat. There is also talk of using a song I wrote, "SKAnthem". We don't know about that one yet though.
We're trying to work out a weekly practice now, so hopefully we'll continue this phenomenon known as songwriting.
3.20.02 our site looks professional now...oh yeah.
I thank my 3rd period class for that, since we never really do anything in there and teaching me how to make a special blended/transparent image.
Thanks to my cousin Natalie too, since I practically stole her site's front page. 3.11.02 yeah...so we had practice again on Saturday, and it went pretty all right.
Once again, we were missing half our horn section, but we still got some stuff done. We would have songs up, but a certain someone threw my minidisc player a couple months
back and since then it hasn't been able to record.
But nonehteless...we are now working on two more Rx Bandits songs: Infection and VCG3 (not VGC3, like Robert says). So very soon, we will have our renditions of What If and
possibly those songs up on the site..if we can record. The 3 freshmen have written a song, tentatively titled "My Gay Roomate" I've read the lyrics, and they're...interesting.
That should appease you for now. Go waste time somewhere else now.
2.10.02 So here's the deal. Yesterday we had practice at Robert's house in Whittier mindidng our own business. We were mainly practicng "What If" even though our whole
horn section was not present (Robert and Eric filled in). So then my bro has to leave cuz he was going to some gig and Robert walks him out to the front. Eric, Royal and I
(Aaron) were just jamming when all of a sudden this guy pops out in front of the garage. He was a cop. So he asks us who lived at the house and we told him Robert was in the front with my bro.
I had the feeling he was going to tell us off for not having a parent around but luckily Rob's mom came and bailed us out. He said if he had to come back again he would give us one more warning.
If he came back a third time we would be fined . So we decided just to stop playing. We also came to the conclusion that Robert's neighbor's suck. Well, thats pretty much it. So long-Aaron
1.29.02 Ah yes...the joys of finals week. Since those of us still here at MHS get out extrememly early for the next 3 days, we will probably practice a bit. Maybe we'll finally work on another song...
1.24.02 Well...we've been practicing lately, and are sounding a whole lot better. As soon as we get a good recording with the whole band (where I sing instead of talk), there will be a song up here.
Or somewhere on the net. And I promise, more new pics will be up as soon as I break my addiction to The Sims. 1.4.02 First off...Happy End of the Old Year! And to those of you who celebrate it,
Happy Festivus! Now that that's out of the way...another practice without Royal or Eric. Not meant to offend these two, but we can't get much done without them. And we won't be able to have too many practices
in the next few months, due to skool. Sorry to let you guys down. That's all. 12.28.01 Well...another practice gone by. It was pretty good (except for the fact taht we had no drummer or Eric), but the
rest of us got thru a lot. We came up with about 15 songs that we are going to try to cover and will attempt them soon. Band members, Miguel is burning copies of the songs we decided on. Oh, and a huge
ska band has brought up the possibility of us opening for them, but I won't say anything else since we suck too much. That's it.
12.21.01 Finally! A real practice. We had a the full band here. We worked mostly on "What If", the Rx Bandits song. As soon as we can, we will have the best recording of it. Sadly, I (Xavier) sang,
so my crappy voice is on it. RxB would probably kill us...but it's a start. We have quite a few pictures from this practice, and they will be up as soon as we can get them.
Things look good for us. I also wrote some lyrics to go along with a guitar part I wrote a while ago, and for now, I'm calling it SKAnthem. That's about it for now. 12.5.01 Big news. We finally have some material to play.
First off...we have a festive little medley for the Christmas season. We call it Peter the Red-Nosed Penguin, written by Jose. Great little song. It contains a little ditty that he wrote two years ago and a new segment
about our good friend Star.We also have a brand-new song still in the process of being written about a certain girl in band (by request). The name will be her name, but it cannot be divulged yet. Next, we are considering using
some of my material, which I have been writing for quite some time. In other news, Jose has agreed to play sax (he hasn't specified which one, but he can play alto, tenor, and barritone) for us. He may later still become our
drummer, but for the time being, he says he's gonna blow. And we will be having practice this weekend for sure, probably at Miguel's house. And now, on to sports. 11.28.01 Remember Brianna? Our ex-trumpet player,
and our current street team leader? Well...she's having surgery on her foot on December 11th. So if you know her, or if you just want to say hi, e-mail her. We would appreciate that.
11.21.01 Yahoo.com club! Go join!Other than that...we can no longer practice at Robert's house due to whiny neighbors. As soon as we have a new garage to terrorize, I will post it up. 11.11.01 It's been a while
since I updated...and there is a vey good reason for that-we're very boring and have no news. We were going to have practice this weekend, but Aaron had teh nerve to get sick! So wish him well when you see him. That's about it for now...
Site updates
Johonson's Skateland pics are up. Go check those out under the Visual section.
Skateland pics are up!!! I still have a crapload more to put up, so those should be available soon as well.
New show added, pictures soon
Aaron's profile pic updated (go see...awesome pic!!!), Aaron's e-mail changed, front page made more festive, and FINALLY...PICTURES FROM NESTOR'S PARTY!!!!!! Happy Holidays.
New news, new pics soon
New shows added, news posted
Profiles=perfect, all live pics up, Eric has new pic, Message Board rejuvinated
Almost all pictures up. New look for site!
New pictures up from 5.30.03, mailing list added
new pictures up on Natalie's site. Thanks to Natalie (duh) for taking them!
Peter's profile is up. Aaron still hasn't given me his yet...so his isn't.
Ok, if anyone actually looks at the profiles...I know I screwed them up. Click the wrong thing, and Aarón disappears. Sheesh. I'll have that back up and running as soon as he fills out the
form again, along with Peter's prfofile.
Yes! New news! Rejoice!
New pics up. All of the picture pages are more organized. Appreciate it. Oh yeah...unless otherwise noted, all pictures are taken by Danielle Martin del Campo or Xavier Alatorre.
Ok....I'm getting a lot of free time in my 3rd period class, so the site will probably be done sooner
than I expected. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. I was thinking of having a community page...where we have
fans of Jimothy. If anyone would like to take part in this, send me a line...or something like that.
Well, most of the new site is up. There are changes everywhere...so you better
enjoy it.
The new site is going up slowly. So far, there are a few pages complete.
I have a couple up, so you can get a look at what it will look like. Says Aaron:
"It looks cool! Hurry up and put it up, stop being lazy! Stop wasting time talking
to X-avier!" Wise words from the young'n...
4.15.02 new news. That's it.
I'm continuously working on the front page, so it
may look different from one visit to the next. Your eyes aren't playing
tricks on you. Be on the lookout for a totally new...well, look for the
site sometime between now and August. New pictures, new news.
I'm starting to use html, which will make this look like a real website!
To the band members that post updates on here periodically, this
means you can't do that anymore, because using the simple editor
will delete all of the other stuff I've done. Therefore, the password will
be changed. Sorry.